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Managing a Data Breach: Insights from FinTechSec Solutions Inc.’s Experience

This blog post offers a detailed case study of FinTechSec Solutions Inc., a fintech company, as they encounter and address a data breach. The post covers responses, communication protocols, data breach regulations, investigation, remediation measures, recovery plan, and lessons learned. It provides valuable insights into breach management complexities and includes an example Cybersecurity Incident Response…

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The Essential Guide to Role-Based Access Control

Are you looking to improve the security and efficiency of your organisation’s access control system? Then you might want to consider implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). In this blog post, we will explain what RBAC is, how it works, and why it is an effective method for managing access rights. We will also discuss some…

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Why Account Lifecycle Management is Important!

It is increasingly important that organisation start taking account lifecycle management more seriously. Ask yourself these questions: Do any of your departed users have access to your systems still? One more time. Do you know, for sure, if any of your departed user have access to your systems still? My experience has taught me that…

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glenn@tcs:~$ whoami

Hello. Hallo. Bonjour. Guten Tag. Kónnichi wa. Olá. Jambo. I’m Glenn. I am a proud father, Husband and a geek at heart. I love tech and always want to keep learning. I have been in the tech industry for around 20 years now. I have learnt a lot of lessons along the way. Despite the…

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